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Automatic Threshold using Hue channel

Hi to all, I am doing a project where I have to do Automatic threshold using Hue channel. Thresholding Foreground from background automatically . At present I am succeed with splitting HSV channel and only taking Hue channel in to the account. Now I dont know how to move further . I searched a lot and found Otsu threshold method do the same work but using greyscale . I am doing programming in C++

thanks in advance

Automatic Threshold using Hue channel

Hi to all, I am doing a project where I have to do Automatic threshold using for Hue channel. Thresholding Foreground Threshold should be calculated automatically from background automatically histrogram of H channel . At present I am succeed with splitting HSV channel and only taking Hue channel in to the account. Now I dont know how to move further . I searched a lot and found Otsu threshold method do the same work but using greyscale . I am doing programming in C++

thanks in advance