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Java DNN Help

Hello all,

I was recently working on a project that used the OpenCV DNN module in order to correctly localize objects. However I have a Python version which was working very well as can be seen here by this link:

However, I now need to make a Java version but I have no clue where to get started in order to translate the above code. Any pointers or help would be greatly appreciated on how I were to tackle this task.

Thanks so much in advance!

Java DNN Help

Hello all,

I was recently working on a project that used the OpenCV DNN module in order to correctly localize objects. However I have a Python version which was working very well as can be seen here by this link: import cv2 as cv

from collections import defaultdict
cvNet = cv.dnn.readNetFromTensorflow('/Users/Tinku/Desktop/RoboticsShit/Skystone-Vision/Final/image_tensor/PB_file/model.pb', '/Users/Tinku/Desktop/RoboticsShit/Skystone-Vision/Final/image_tensor/Pbtxt/model.pbtxt')

cap = cv.VideoCapture(0)

    # Capture frame-by-frame
    ret, img =
    #img = cv.imread('/Users/Tinku/Desktop/TestStuff/pls.jpeg')
    rows = img.shape[0]
    cols = img.shape[1]
    cvNet.setInput(cv.dnn.blobFromImage(img, size=(300, 300), swapRB=True, crop=False))
    cvOut = cvNet.forward()
    numOfSkystone = 0
    objects_dict = {}
    StoneOrder = []
    for detection in cvOut[0,0,:,:]:
        score = float(detection[2])
        if score > 0.85:
            objectClass = detection[1]
            left = detection[3] * cols
            top = detection[4] * rows
            right = detection[5] * cols
            bottom = detection[6] * rows
            objects_dict[score]=[left,top,right,bottom, objectClass]

    for i in l[:6] :
        if objects_dict[i][4] == 3.0:
            detectedObject = "Skystone"
            numOfSkystone +=1
        elif objects_dict[i][4] == 4.0:
            detectedObject = "Stone"
        elif objects_dict[i][4] == 2.0:
            detectedObject = "Red Foundation"
        elif objects_dict[i][4] == 1.0:
            detectedObject = "Blue Foundation"
        cv.rectangle(img, (int(objects_dict[i][0]), int(objects_dict[i][1])), (int(objects_dict[i][2]), int(objects_dict[i][3])), (23, 230, 210), thickness=5)
        cv.putText(img, detectedObject, (int(objects_dict[i][0]), int(objects_dict[i][1])), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 2, (0,0,0), 7, cv.LINE_AA)
        #print(i, objects_dict)
        if numOfSkystone==2:

            SkystonePosition = [i for i, value in enumerate(StoneOrder) if value == "Skystone"]
            print('The Skystone is located in positions: ' + str(int(SkystonePosition[0]) + 1) + ' and ' + str(int(SkystonePosition[1]) + 1))

    cv.imshow('img', img)

However, I now need to make a Java version but I have no clue where to get started in order to translate the above code. Any pointers or help would be greatly appreciated on how I were to tackle this task.

Thanks so much in advance! advance!

Java DNN Help

Hello all,

I was recently working on a project that used the OpenCV DNN module in order to correctly localize objects. However I have a Python version which was working very well as can be seen here: here:

import cv2 as cv

from collections import defaultdict
cvNet = cv.dnn.readNetFromTensorflow('/Users/Tinku/Desktop/RoboticsShit/Skystone-Vision/Final/image_tensor/PB_file/model.pb', '/Users/Tinku/Desktop/RoboticsShit/Skystone-Vision/Final/image_tensor/Pbtxt/model.pbtxt')

cap = cv.VideoCapture(0)

    # Capture frame-by-frame
    ret, img =
    #img = cv.imread('/Users/Tinku/Desktop/TestStuff/pls.jpeg')
    rows = img.shape[0]
    cols = img.shape[1]
    cvNet.setInput(cv.dnn.blobFromImage(img, size=(300, 300), swapRB=True, crop=False))
    cvOut = cvNet.forward()
    numOfSkystone = 0
    objects_dict = {}
    StoneOrder = []
    for detection in cvOut[0,0,:,:]:
        score = float(detection[2])
        if score > 0.85:
            objectClass = detection[1]
            left = detection[3] * cols
            top = detection[4] * rows
            right = detection[5] * cols
            bottom = detection[6] * rows
            objects_dict[score]=[left,top,right,bottom, objectClass]

    for i in l[:6] :
        if objects_dict[i][4] == 3.0:
            detectedObject = "Skystone"
            numOfSkystone +=1
        elif objects_dict[i][4] == 4.0:
            detectedObject = "Stone"
        elif objects_dict[i][4] == 2.0:
            detectedObject = "Red Foundation"
        elif objects_dict[i][4] == 1.0:
            detectedObject = "Blue Foundation"
        cv.rectangle(img, (int(objects_dict[i][0]), int(objects_dict[i][1])), (int(objects_dict[i][2]), int(objects_dict[i][3])), (23, 230, 210), thickness=5)
        cv.putText(img, detectedObject, (int(objects_dict[i][0]), int(objects_dict[i][1])), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 2, (0,0,0), 7, cv.LINE_AA)
        #print(i, objects_dict)
        if numOfSkystone==2:

            SkystonePosition = [i for i, value in enumerate(StoneOrder) if value == "Skystone"]
            print('The Skystone is located in positions: ' + str(int(SkystonePosition[0]) + 1) + ' and ' + str(int(SkystonePosition[1]) + 1))

    cv.imshow('img', img)

However, I now need to make a Java version but I have no clue where to get started in order to translate the above code. Any pointers or help would be greatly appreciated on how I were to tackle this task.

Thanks so much in advance!