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cv::cuda::convolve artifacts


I built a convolver using

cv::Ptr<cv::cuda::Convolution> myConv;

and initialize it using:

myConv = cv::cuda::createConvolution(cv::Size(0,0)); // i.e. native optimization

then used it on runtime:

myConv->convolve(src, ker, dst);

the problem is that i get black\white lines parallel to image grid (that wasn't there before or related to the kernel)

does anyone knows the reason? or how to solve it?

I tried to implement another filtering method:

cv::Ptr<cv::cuda::Filter> filter2D;
filter2D = cv::cuda::createLinearFilter(src.type(), -1, ker);

and use it :

filter2D-> apply(src, dst);

and i ger an error 213 function/feature is not implemented You should explicitly call download method for cuda::GpuMat object in function 'getMat_'

I'm using opencv 4.1.0 on Jetson nano (in both cases).

please advise

cv::cuda::convolve artifacts


I built a convolver using

cv::Ptr<cv::cuda::Convolution> myConv;

and initialize it using:

myConv = cv::cuda::createConvolution(cv::Size(0,0)); // i.e. native optimization

then used it on runtime:

myConv->convolve(src, ker, dst);

the problem is that i get black\white lines parallel to image grid (that wasn't there before or and not related to the kernel)

does anyone knows the reason? or how to solve it?

I tried to implement another filtering method:

cv::Ptr<cv::cuda::Filter> filter2D;
filter2D = cv::cuda::createLinearFilter(src.type(), -1, ker);

and use it :

filter2D-> apply(src, dst);

and i ger an error 213 function/feature is not implemented You should explicitly call download method for cuda::GpuMat object in function 'getMat_'

I'm using opencv 4.1.0 on Jetson nano (in both cases).

please advise