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real time pose etimation Unspecified error

Dear Opencv'rs

I am running the "model registration" program of the real_time_pose_etimation sample.

Opencv 4.1.1

Windows 10 Pro, X64

VS 2019, ver 16.3.5

Code: C:\opencv\sources\samples\cpp\tutorial_code\calib3d\real_time_pose_estimation\src

Reproduce the situation:

Add all .h and .cpp files in src folder to a new project (Not main_registration.cpp. FYI main_detection.cpp and main_registration.cpp are two exclude ways to tackle pose estimation). Copy the data folder to project forlder.

Disabled -if you get those- all the compiling warning messages. (Project Properties --> Configuration Properties --> C++ --> Advance --> Disable Specific Warnings: 26451;26812;26495;6294;6201;26439;26812)

Build and Run with the default parser values. No changes to code what so ever. We just need to see it working.

If you get what I do, runtime goes fine when

  1. The application loads the 3D textured model in YAML file format

  2. From the scene -recorded video-, the ORB features and descriptors are detected and extracted.

  3. cv::FlannBasedMatcher & cv::flann::GenericIndex match model-scene descriptors.

But it fails, I beleive, at:

  1. Using these matches and cv::solvePnPRansac the R and t of the camera are computed. I GET THIS:

OpenCV(4.1.1) Error: Unspecified error (> DLT algorithm needs at least 6 points for pose estimation from 3D-2D point correspondences. (expected: 'count >= 6'), where

'count' is 5

must be greater than or equal to '6' is 6 ) in void __cdecl cvFindExtrinsicCameraParams2(const struct CvMat *,const struct CvMat *,const struct CvMat *,const struct CvMat *,struct CvMat *,struct CvMat *,int), file C:\build\master_winpack-build-win64-vc15\opencv\modules\calib3d\src\calibration.cpp, line 1171

What should happen last:

  1. A KalmanFilter is applied in order to reject bad poses.

  2. The 6th step is set the estimated rotation-translation matrix and draw the found pose.

Thanks for taking the time and share your feedback.
