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Camera Calibration Takes too long


I am currently working on implementing open Cv/ARuco to Unity3D using C#. I have managed to track the markers in 3d space and get the 3d pos (position/rotation). However i noticed that the objects were skewed and didn't face the proper direction so i decided to calibrate the camera.

I have managed to understand and apply the right methods but when i call calibrate camera the program freezes for 9 minutes for 30 images or so. That's ok on a laptop since it needs to run once however on my Iphone 7 i receive an out of memory exception. I tried multithreading the work but still it didnt help much and as soon as i provide more then 3/4 images the application will run out of memory on an iphone 7.

I was wondering if there is some fix to this like some sort of parameter that reduces the time it takes for the calibrate camera method to finish.