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Understanding the code


I am relatively new to coding and I apologize if my questions are straightforward to you.

I am trying to understand OpenCV code to be able to add my contributions (mainly converting 2D tools to 3D as it would be useful for my machine learning projects and for medical projects). There is also some extra-curiosity since I like to understand how things work.

1) On the example of the GaussianBlur method. What happens when I call it in Python? Namely, how the Python code is bind to the C++ one?

2) if I want to understand the whole GaussianBlur algorithm, I am also not familiar with C++ browsing, so how should I proceed to retrieve what files are used (methods and also inherited classes)

3) this is more a curiosity question since I am not familiar with makefiles, but when is done the binding between Python and C++? When I install OpenCV with pip it is done automatically, but I would like to understand the process.

Thanks a lot for your answers! I would appreciate any tutorial since I've googled a lot before asking, of course, but did not find what could help me on my own.