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how to classify a photoset

hello, guys, i want to recognize object with template matching in opencv, that means i need to store many template picture of object in a folder, and then use matching algorithmus to find the desired object from camera. but i need to label these template picture to define which belongs to which object. sothat i can get the name of the object with the matching algorithmus. i think about the databae to tag the picture, but i dont know how to do ? or it has any another ways to solve this? do you have any tip? thank you in advance.

how to classify a photoset

hello, guys, i want to recognize object with template matching in opencv, that means i need to store many template picture of object in a folder, and then use matching algorithmus to find the desired object from camera. but i need to label these template picture to define which belongs to which object. sothat i can get the name of the object with the matching algorithmus. i think about the databae to tag the picture, but i dont know how to do ? or it has any another ways to solve this? do you have any tip? thank you in advance.