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Disparity for both left and right image, is it possible?


I have a stereo pair and I would like to find the disparity map of the left image, then the disparity map of the right image and see the difference of these two disparity maps. Now, I know that in order to compute disparity (e.g. with Block Matching) I run:

bm->compute(img1, img2, disp).

Therefore, If I wish to find the disparity of the left image I should run:

bm->compute(imgL, imgR, disp).

and for the disparity of the right image:

bm->compute(imgR, imgL, disp).

That is, I just changed the order of the arguments. Is it the correct way to do it? The disparity of the right image seems really poor quality in comparison with the one of the left image. Is there any other way to find the disparity difference between these two disparity maps (i.e. left and right image disparity maps)?