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Octave Wrapper/Mex Compilers

I tried to build the Matlab wrappers for OpenCV, even though I don't have Matlab installed, with no luck,

CMake Warning at /home/user/git/opencv_contrib/modules/matlab/cmake/init.cmake:13 (message): Matlab or compiler (mex) was not found. Disabling Matlab bindings... Call Stack (most recent call first): cmake/OpenCVModule.cmake:313 (include) cmake/OpenCVModule.cmake:379 (_add_modules_1) modules/CMakeLists.txt:7 (ocv_glob_modules)

presumably because the Matlab mex compiler wasn't found.

However this link at Mathworks shows that there are non-Matlab compilers availabe for Linux, Mac, and Windows.

Would it be possible to migrate the exiting Matlab mex build process to the compilers listed above to enable us octave users access to the latest version of OpenCV? (mexOpenCV has fallen behind.)

Octave Wrapper/Mex Compilers

I tried to build the Matlab wrappers for OpenCV, even though I don't have Matlab installed, with no luck,

CMake Warning at /home/user/git/opencv_contrib/modules/matlab/cmake/init.cmake:13 (message): Matlab or compiler (mex) was not found. Disabling Matlab bindings... Call Stack (most recent call first): cmake/OpenCVModule.cmake:313 (include) cmake/OpenCVModule.cmake:379 (_add_modules_1) modules/CMakeLists.txt:7 (ocv_glob_modules)

presumably because the Matlab mex compiler wasn't found.

However this link at Mathworks shows that there are non-Matlab compilers availabe available for Linux, Mac, and Windows.

Would it be possible to migrate the exiting Matlab mex build process to the compilers listed above to enable us octave users access to the latest version of OpenCV? (mexOpenCV has fallen behind.)