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Is there any function to create cuda context in opencv similar to what cuCtxCreate does from cuda library?

I am developing an app which requires to use cuda functions like cuInit, cuCtxCreate etc. If i use these functions from cuda library then i get the following error which i mentioned in this issue

I got this solved by modifying CMakeLists.txt and linking CUDA_CUDA_LIBRARY which is path to cuda.lib. My question here is Are there any alternatives available in opencv for doing the same? Like i see cuSetDevice cuGetDevice which sets and gets cuda devices but i am not able to find a function in opencv for creating a cuda context similar to what cuCtrCreate does.

click to hide/show revision 2

Is there any function to create cuda context in opencv similar to what cuCtxCreate does from cuda library?

I am developing an app which requires to use cuda functions like cuInit, cuCtxCreate etc. If i use these functions from cuda library then i get the following error which i mentioned in this issue

I got this solved by modifying CMakeLists.txt and linking CUDA_CUDA_LIBRARY which is path to cuda.lib. My question here is Are there any alternatives available in opencv for doing the same? Like i see cuSetDevice cuGetDevice which sets and gets cuda devices but i am not able to find a function in opencv for creating a cuda context similar to what cuCtrCreate does.