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imshow data types?

hello! i am havind a problem with the imshow function, according to the documentation it supports Mat of different types than CV_8U imshow_doc, i have been using it on other opencv versions and it works (example opencv 3.4.1).. The Mat that i want to show is CV_64F type, i tried also with CV_16U but i get the same assertion error, i checked the source file:

OpenCV(4.0.0) c:\build\master_winpack-build-win64-vc15\opencv\modules\highgui\src\window_w32.cpp:1230: error: (-215:Assertion failed) == (uchar*)dst_ptr in function 'cvShowImage'

and my temporary solution would be to comment that assertion but i am not sure if that would bring other problems. I see in the assertion that it is expecting a uchar data.. maybe thats why it gets error with other types?? Has someone experienced something similar? or has any ideas?
