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How do I build the real time pose estimation tutorial on Visual Studio?

Hello, I'm using OpenCV 4.0.0 and trying to run the code here link text with Visual Studio 2015. I'm quite new in this OpenCV field and C++. In the tutorial folder, there are many cpp and header files image description ,

which ones should I add in my project? I know if a '.cpp' file includes specific header files, i should add/create that header file in my project. I tried to add the 'main_detection.cpp' and its following header file, but when I click debug it gives me this error

image description.

Either I didn't include the right '.cpp' and '.h' files, or I didnt put the correct path for the Data file ( box.ply, box.mp4 etc), or even both mistakes. Hopefully my question was understandable, and I appreciate any help given.