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Stereo Calibration using sample code

Hi Guys,

I wish to calibrate a stereo setup using the sample code provided by OpenCV ( cpp-example-stereo_calib ) . I have tried the sample code for checkerboard calibration using 33 pairs of stereo images with the arguments given for width ( 10 because of 10 squares in the horizontal direction) , height ( 7 because of 7 squares in the vertical direction ), square size 32.8 ( since sqaure size is 32.8 mm) and path to xml file containing paths of stereo images. Following are the questions:

1) What is the unit for square size which needs to be fed ? 2) What is the right interpretation of "Error: too little pairs to run the calibration" ? If I change the arguments to random values, I get the same error. Please explain. 3) If the stereo setup does not have both camera planes parallel to each other and the planes are inclined to each other with angle between them 90 degrees such that there is very small overlap region, then how to calibrate the setup properly ?

Please help.