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Using openCV distance transform to find width of a curve

I am trying to find width of a curve/line segment using openCV in python. The image on the left is the input image. I just need the maximum width. I read that Distance transform can help give the width. I used distance transform and was able to get the image on the right as a result. Now, I am stuck on how do i get the width of the curve from this result image of distance transform.

My code for distance transform:



A solution in python would be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

click to hide/show revision 2

updated 2018-11-30 01:29:04 -0600

berak gravatar image

Using openCV distance transform to find width of a curve

I am trying to find width of a curve/line segment using openCV in python. The image on the left is the input image. I just need the maximum width. I read that Distance transform can help give the width. I used distance transform and was able to get the image on the right as a result. Now, I am stuck on how do i get the width of the curve from this result image of distance transform.

My code for distance transform:



A solution in python would be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.