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initial version

Hello I am new to opencv and here's my question, how to communicate with external hardware after detecting a required feature in an image?

My project is about looking for RGB colors in an image whichever value is greater the respective coloured led must turn on i am using raspberry pi 3b+ basically i need to control a specific pin when a specific color is detected. Thanks for looking into this question:)

click to hide/show revision 2

updated 2018-11-05 09:14:58 -0600

berak gravatar image

Hello I am new to opencv and here's my question, how to communicate with external hardware after detecting a required feature in an image?

My project is about looking for RGB colors in an image whichever value is greater the respective coloured led must turn on i am using raspberry pi 3b+ basically i need to control a specific pin when a specific color is detected. Thanks for looking into this question:)