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Constructing a very simple neural network inorder to train Contour Images and predict the classification


I have some contours data (in 2D).I would like to construct a neural network using openCv Library, C++. I would like to know about the following:

1) Since,I have only my contours data,I need to generate Images for each of my contour data. So, I could use, drawPolyline() function of openCv and generate the image. Since, each of my contours can be in any orientation as well as of different sizes, I would like to know the preprocessing techniques which needs to be done,while generating each of my Image,from the contour data.

2) I initially have 5 classifications, lets say A,B,C,D and E.So,once I have my Image Inputs ready, I would like to develop a very simple neural network,which needs to train images and classify it as A,B,C,D and E.

3) In case,I have a complete different contour,I donot want to classify it as any of the above 5 categories and just return as "Unknown Entity".

I would be really glad,if someone can help me in providing basic code and also help in preparing the input (like the size of the image, necessary image compressions etc. )