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Best method to save and load data in a file for opencv 3.1 version

Hello, I have using opencv 3.1 version and save trained/processed data in a matrix with datatype "vector<mat>" and save lables/id with datatype "vector<int>". So, how can i store it in a file and load it from file to variable.

Which will be fastest way?

Regards, Kishan Patel.

Best method to save and load data in a file for opencv 3.1 version

Hello, I have using opencv 3.1 version and want to save trained/processed data in a matrix with datatype "vector<mat>" and save lables/id with datatype "vector<int>". So, how can i store it in a file and load it from file to variable.

Which will be fastest way?

Regards, Kishan Patel.

Best method to save and load data in a file for opencv 3.1 version

Hello, I have using opencv 3.1 version and <vector<mat> > test; I want to save trained/processed data in a matrix with datatype "vector<mat>" and save lables/id with datatype "vector<int>". So, how can i store it in a to file and load read it from file back. I tried to variable.

Which will be fastest way?

Regards, Kishan Patel.write it to a FileStorage, but after I read it back, it became fails. Does anybody have an idea? Thanks.