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OpenCv in a project where ffmpeg already used

Hi there,

I'm using openCv C++ at work since 7 years with success for video capture, video writing and many other image porcessing stuffs. I've been recently forced to include a specific code for video capture that also uses ffmpeg. I managed to make it work but realized the video writing now produce a non valid video of few kbytes. It seems that only base DShow codecs are working. It always looked quite strange for me on how opencv_ffmpegxxx.dll is loaded because I never see it using "Dependency Walker". The result is the same as not having this dll. I'm facing this problems since several days and ti makes me crazy. Another problem is the Mat::copyTo or Mat::resize function doesn't work anymore when the target is a ROI of a Mat.

Any help would be appreciate

I'm using custom built OpenCv 3.4.1 for Windows & Msvc2013
