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What is the results value on opencv 3 random forest predict()

In python OpenCV 3+ the random forest forest documentation says predict() returns retval and results. It is clear that retval is the predicted label, but results is simply defined as "The optional output matrix of results".

What is the format and/or meaning of the array I get back?

What is the results value on opencv 3 random forest predict()

In python OpenCV 3+ the random forest forest documentation says predict() returns retval and results. It is clear that retval is the predicted label, but results is simply defined as "The optional output matrix of results".

For example, here is my numpy array that I pass in as a single input:

array([176.20, 39.10, 116.55,  0., 0., 48.22, 76.83, 0.], dtype=float32)

These are the values I get for results:

       [3.]], dtype=float32)

retval is:


What is the format and/or meaning of the array I get back?