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Local Mean and Variance

I have an artificial flow field given by a homography transform. I want to compare this flow field to the results of an optical flow algorithm. I want to do a pixel-wise comparison in a likelihood manner. It seems to me that I can best do this by comparing the optical flow value to the statistics of the local neighborhood of the homography flow. See this paper for inspiration.

My question is, what OpenCV functions can I use to calculate the local mean and variance over some window?

Local Mean and Variance

I have an artificial flow field given by a homography transform. I want to compare this flow field to the results of an optical flow algorithm. I want to do a pixel-wise comparison in a likelihood statistical manner. It seems to me that I can best do this by comparing the optical flow value to the statistics of the local neighborhood of the homography flow. See this paper for inspiration.

My question is, what OpenCV functions can I use to calculate the local mean and variance over some window?