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How to check if two following frames are identical ?


I'm using Python 3.5 and OpenCV 3.4.1. I just want to open a .avi video file and check if two frames in a row are identical in order to get the actual framerate of the game captured. I don't want to use an mse based comparison or something like that, I just want to know if two successives frames are EXACTLY identical.

I currently have the following code :

def unique_frame():
video_name = 'G:/VirtualDub Capture/RAW-Uncompressed.avi'
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_name)
fps = int(math.ceil(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)))
fps_counter = fps
unique_fps_counter = 0
previous =
while cap.isOpened():
    current =
    if previous != current:
        unique_fps_counter += 1
    if fps_counter == 0:
        unique_fps_counter = 0
        fps_counter = fps
        fps_counter -= 1

Obviously the '!=' part doesn't works. I'm a total newbie with OpenCV and I can't manage to find how to properly compare two frames.

Thank you in advance