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Opencv mat as opengl texture

I am trying to imply opecv operation(for vision intelligence) in my opengl project.I am trying to figure out how shall i phrase cv::mat to unsigned char*(which is taken by opengl for texture)..I dont know how opencv is allocating an image file with what kind of memory it is keeping mat data(specially an RBG image)in memory so than i can create a phrasor which can phrase opencv Mat for opengl Texture.I cant map how to do it,need help,Thankyou!!

Opencv mat as opengl texture

I am trying to imply opecv operation(for vision intelligence) in my opengl project.I am trying to figure out how shall i phrase cv::mat to unsigned char*(which is taken by opengl for texture)..I dont know how opencv is allocating an image file with what kind of memory it is keeping mat data(specially an RBG image)in memory so than i can create a phrasor which can phrase opencv Mat for opengl Texture.I cant map how to do it,need it,b'cause i cant find a place where I can study about opencv memory implementation for cv::mat ,need help,Thankyou!!