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Find points on the surgeon's gloves

It is necessary to find the points on the surgeon's gloves. Example of the photo below.

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I can accurately define the contour of the hand using an hsv filter. Now the algorithm works well with the help of Template Matching. But still not good enough for my purposes.

image description image description

There may be some ideas about how to improve the program (without adding new templates). I tried many variants of the trehsholding, but came to a standstill because there are a lot of noise.

Find points on the surgeon's gloves

It is necessary to find the points on the surgeon's gloves. Example of the photo below.

image description image description image description

I can accurately define the contour of the hand using an hsv filter. Now the algorithm works well with the help of Template Matching. But still not good enough for my purposes.

image description image description

There may be some ideas about how to improve the program (without adding new templates). I tried many variants of the trehsholding, but came to a standstill because there are a lot of noise.