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Extending Haar features

Short question

How can I use custom features in a Haar cascade classifier? Custom feature implies that using features that are not supported by opencv. i.e not one of these:

image description

More details:

I am a student working on my final year project. I need a custom Haar-classifier.

There is already an option to train the classifier with my own dataset but I also need to change the basic Haar-features used. All I can do is choose from the given subsets (Edge features,Line features and Center-surround features). I already have a set of Haar-features I need to use which I tested on Matlab.

I am looking of some way to specify my features (for example provide a couple of rects which define my Haar-features).

For example suppose I needed to create this feature:

Custom Haar-feature

It would be helpful if I could specify this feature to be part of the classifier's feature space. Supposing that the square is 20x20. I would like to specify it as follows:

  • rect1 (0, 0, 9 9)
  • rect2 (10, 0,19, 9)
  • rect3 (0, 10,9,19)
  • rect4 (10,10,19,19)

Assuming that the rects are defined by their two corners in the form (xi,yi,xf,yf).

Thanks in advance.

Extending Haar features

Short question

How can I use custom features in a Haar cascade classifier? Custom feature implies that using features that are not supported by opencv. i.e not one of these:

image description

More details:

I am a student working on my final year project. I need a custom Haar-classifier.

There is already an option to train the classifier with my own dataset but I also need to change the basic Haar-features used. All I can do is choose from the given subsets (Edge features,Line features and Center-surround features). I already have a set of Haar-features I need to use which I tested on Matlab.

I am looking of some way to specify my features (for example provide a couple of rects which define my Haar-features).

For example suppose I needed to create this feature:

Custom Haar-feature

It would be helpful if I could specify this feature to be part of the classifier's feature space. Supposing that the square is 20x20. I would like to specify it as follows:

  • rect1 (0, 0, 9 9)
  • rect2 (10, 0,19, 9)
  • rect3 (0, 10,9,19)
  • rect4 (10,10,19,19)

Assuming that the rects are defined by their two corners in the form (xi,yi,xf,yf).

Thanks in advance.

Extending Haar features

Short question

How can I use custom features in a Haar cascade classifier? Custom feature implies that using features that are not supported by opencv. i.e not one of these:

image description

More details:

I am a student working on my final year project. I need a custom Haar-classifier.

There is already an option to train the classifier with my own dataset but I also need to change the basic Haar-features used. All I can do is choose from the given subsets (Edge features,Line features and Center-surround features). I already have a set of Haar-features I need to use which I tested on Matlab.

I am looking of some way to specify my features (for example provide a couple of rects which define my Haar-features).

For example suppose I needed to create this feature:

Custom Haar-feature

It would be helpful if I could specify this feature to be part of the classifier's feature space. Supposing that the square is 20x20. I would like to specify it as follows:

  • rect1 (0, 0, 9 9)
  • rect2 (10, 0,19, 9)
  • rect3 (0, 10,9,19)
  • rect4 (10,10,19,19)

Assuming that the rects are defined by their two corners in the form (xi,yi,xf,yf).

Thanks in advance.

Extending Haar features

Short question

How can I use custom features in a Haar cascade classifier? Custom feature implies that using features that are not supported by opencv. i.e not one of these:

image description

More details:

I am a student working on my final year project. I need a to implement and train my own custom Haar-classifier. Haar-cascade classifier in opencv.

There is already an option to train the classifier with my own dataset but I also need to change the basic Haar-features used. All I can do is choose from the given subsets (Edge features,Line features and Center-surround features). I already have a set of Haar-features I need to use which I tested on Matlab.

I am looking of some way to specify my features (for example provide a couple of rects which define my Haar-features).

For example suppose I needed to create this feature:

Custom Haar-feature

It would be helpful if I could specify this feature to be part of the classifier's feature space. Supposing that the square is 20x20. I would like to specify it as follows:

  • rect1 (0, 0, 9 9)
  • rect2 (10, 0,19, 9)
  • rect3 (0, 10,9,19)
  • rect4 (10,10,19,19)

Assuming that the rects are defined by their two corners in the form (xi,yi,xf,yf).

Thanks in advance.