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Detecting multiple instances of an object

I'm aware that this question has been asked over and over again and I thoroughly searched before asking this, I've looked at every post regarding the subject on the OpenCV forum and quite a lot on stackoverflow, yet none proved decisively helpful therefore here I am. I want to find multiple instances of an object in a photo of a textile material, which means that the objects can be deformed and rotated. To be mentioned that the kind of object searched will be different every 10 minutes or so.

[Offtopic] Before going any further, I would like to say that I love the community that this library succeeded in gathering. I've had only great feedback and found lots of helpful posts all around. I'm a 2nd year CS student, part-time working on research for a company to get myself through university. Being the only guy there that works on computer vision and not having anyone in my circle of friends whom I could ask anything related to the subject proved to be quite difficult, and having finally a feedback regarding the subjects has been amazing. I'm truly grateful.

[Back to the topic] Given the fact that the objects can be deformed, a simple template matching is out of discussion. I've also tried taking advantage of the contours yet that was not enough as some objects are simply to each other like in this case where the kind of object I'm looking for is the flower with red contour:

image description

I've also tried using the features and RANSAC to find a single object, then remove that object from the scene and repeat the process yet it proves to be rather time consuming. Given the fact that the objects that needs to be detected in the scene will be different quite often, SVM+HOG is out of discussion.

And here I am, left without any idea so far and I was wondering if you guys have any regarding the subject and how should I approach it, I'd be glad to hear about it. Nevertheless I thank you for your time reading about my problem.