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How to use cv::ml::RTrees::getVotes()

Hi there,

I need help with the new method cv::ml::RTrees::getVotes() method introduced in version 3.3. for Random Forests.

I am using Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 for compiling. My program works very well with the methods in the previous OpenCV versions, but as soon as I include getVotes(), the following error occurs during linking process:

Error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol "public: void __cdecl cv::ml::RTrees::getVotes(class cv::debug_build_guard::_InputArray const &,class cv::debug_build_guard::_OutputArray const &,int)const " (?getVotes@RTrees@ml@cv@@QEBAXAEBV_InputArray@debug_build_guard@3@AEBV_OutputArray@53@H@Z)

I assume it's missing a library. However, I have included all libraries provided by OpenCV.

Does anyone have the same problem? If yes, did you find a solution?

Thank you very much