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3D point extraction

I want to measure a depth of an object which is placed at 4 meters from the camera. Therefore I increased the baseline distance (1.5 meters distance between two cameras) to get good depth accuracy. In this case, stereo rectification is not working properly, so I am using the triangulation function in order to extract the 3D point. For that, I have calculated the projection matric by following: P0 = K1[I|0] and P1=K2[R|T], where K1 and K2 are the camera matrix, R and T are the rotation and translation of the second camera respect to the first camera. In the next step, I passed all this value to the triangulation function, and it is providing a 3D point.

My question is: Am I doing correctly? If I am correct than the obtained 3D point would be respect to the P0 camera?