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Weak edge(Curve) detection in low contrast (Update)

Hi Everyone . After trying different methods including sobel , canny , shaar , shen , FFt filtering , haar wavelet edge detection

I ended up using Adaptive threshold to detect a curve in low contrast .

Can you please suggest a method to group blobs belonging to the curve ? ( I already tried erode/dilate with "line " structuring element ).

Any suggestion is welcome

Thank you!!

image description

Weak edge(Curve) detection in low contrast (Update)

Hi Everyone . After trying different methods including sobel , canny , shaar , shen , FFt filtering , haar wavelet edge detection , CLAHE for contrast enhancement ...

I ended up using Adaptive threshold to detect a curve in low contrast .

Can you please suggest a method to group blobs belonging to the curve ? ( I already tried erode/dilate with "line " structuring element ).

Any suggestion is welcome

Thank you!!

image description

Weak edge(Curve) detection in low contrast (Update)

Hi Everyone . After trying different methods including sobel , canny , shaar , shen , FFt filtering , haar wavelet edge detection , CLAHE for contrast enhancement ...

I ended up using Adaptive threshold to detect a curve in low contrast .

Can you please suggest a method to group blobs belonging to the curve ? ( I already tried erode/dilate with "line " structuring element ).

Any suggestion is welcome

Thank you!!

image description

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