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Measuring lengths of objects

Hi All,

I apologize in advance for my complete inability to really use this stuff so bare with me.

I think I have a simple things compared to all the really amazing things you all are doing in here. Alli want to do is measure the length of objects using stereo-video cameras. This is for use for wildlife so the animals and cameras are oftening moving. I know I need to calibrate the cameras, both as individuals (distortion, focal length, etc) and as a pair (i.e, distance between etc, rotation and angle). I assume a checker board is ok for that? By the way these need to be really accurate measurements within a few mm if not one or two mm.

Then i need to figure out how clicking on the ends of the objects on the left and right cameras on a computer image in 2d space is converted to 3d real-world space.

Is this easy to do? There is no automation required, no tracking, no auto identification of the ends of the objects etc. The user will play the footage, then pause it and click on the two ends of the object/animal in the left and right camera, and i want its length returned to me. I guess also with that it would give me distance from cameras, and position relative to cameras given that I think the math is based around trigonometry?

If anyone can help point me in the right direction that would be awesome. I plan on using some high level cameras such as sony or canon consumer level HD cams. I've been told that gopros wouldn't be any good because they are so wide? Thats a different issue however.

Thanks all.

Your friendly novice