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temporally synch videos from multiple cameras

I have videos coming from 3 raspberry pi cameras with following timestamps (each video is recorded for 4 hours):

camera1, camera2, camera3

Now the problem is that each camera clock has its own slewing rate and at the end, frame difference across cameras goes up to 25ms in case of camera 1 wrt others (while each of them started at sub millisecond difference). This makes tracking position according to each of them really tough task cause of misalignment of frames across cameras.

The answer mentioned here Displaying frames from 2 separate videos according to timestamps stored in a text file might have been useful but it changes the sampling rate for the final position estimate generated across cameras.

My aim is to get position estimate according to each frame across cameras. How can the videos be synched so that it is possible?

temporally synch videos from multiple cameras

I have videos coming from 3 raspberry pi cameras with following timestamps (each video is recorded for 4 hours):

camera1, camera2, camera3

Now the problem is that each camera clock has its own slewing rate and at the end, frame difference across cameras goes up to 25ms in case of camera 1 wrt others (while each of them started at sub millisecond difference). This makes tracking position according to each of them really tough task cause of misalignment of frames across cameras.

The answer mentioned here Displaying frames from 2 separate videos according to timestamps stored in a text file might have been useful but it changes the sampling rate for the final position estimate generated across cameras.

My aim is to get position estimate according to each frame across cameras. How can the videos be synched so that it is possible?