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Commercial Use and Licensing

Hello everyone, and sorry in advance, if this particular question was already asked (please note me to the question, I could not find a sufficient answer):

Currently I am developing a CV Algorithm, that utilizes OpenCV. This algorithm will be implemented in C++ and should later be used in Android. My goal to compile OpenCV3.2.0 with NDK and use the libraries in my own Native Android Class is already achieved. Now we want to use this in a commercial application and therefore I studied the questions, but I am still insecure about some licenses.

First of: Some third party libraries included in /opencvroot/3rdparty/ have a notice, that they use GNU 2.1, so a different license than OpenCV. Namely: ffmpeg and dshow.

1) What about those third party libraries. Is there a way to exclude these from my compilation of OpenCV and would this be sufficient. (Are there any important dependencies?) Or are they somewhat different licensed in the OpenCV package? I know, that I would not use ffmpeg on Android, but still asking, because they seem to be included in the binaries?

2) For ippicv and traincascade I was not able to find any copyright notice. What about those 3rd party libraries?

3) I excluded the doc, data, apps and samples folder, because on first look, I did not see any dependencies and I did not want to extract all license files from these folders. Would it be sufficient for commercial use, if I excluded them?

4) In the following question: it is stated, that the SIFT and SURF features are not free of use (I am aware of that). Are they hardcoded in OpenCV? Would it be sufficient if I did not use them, or do they have to be excluded from the binaries we are providing in our application?

If there are any questions, that I may have overseen and that answer any of my questions, I would be happy, if you give me a notice.

Thank you in advance for you answers and the time you take to.