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Given the fundamental matrix can I get camera angle relative to a plane?

I have 6 stereo images of a plane (wall) with the scale marked (by tape measure).

The cameras are at varying position and angles.

I can compute the fundamental matrix with findFundamentalMat(...). I do not (yet) know the essential matrix.

I also have the coordinates of the cameras in world space.

  • Can I determine the angles of the cameras in world coordinates using F (fundamental matrix) and the world coordinates of the cameras without the essential matrix?

Given the fundamental matrix can I get camera angle relative to a plane?

I have 6 stereo images of a plane (wall) with the scale marked (by tape measure).

The cameras are at varying position and angles.

I can compute the fundamental matrix with findFundamentalMat(...). I do not (yet) know the essential matrix.

I also have the coordinates of the cameras in world space.

  • Can I determine the angles of the cameras in world coordinates using F (fundamental matrix) and the world coordinates of the cameras without the essential matrix?

Given the fundamental matrix can I get camera angle relative to a plane?

I have 6 stereo images of a plane (wall) with the scale marked (by tape measure).

The cameras are at varying position and angles.

I can compute the fundamental matrix with findFundamentalMat(...). I do not (yet) know the essential matrix.

I also have the coordinates of the cameras in world space.

Can I determine the angles of the cameras in world coordinates using F (fundamental matrix) and the world coordinates of the cameras without the essential matrix?