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WinRT sample in OpenCV2.4.6


I've downloaded the opencv2.4.6 and attempt to run the WinRT sample, it's a Metro App and I build it and run it successfully. But when I try to add some effect like GrayScale、Canny...etc. the program was crash. Did I miss anything?

BR, Allen

WinRT sample in OpenCV2.4.6


I've downloaded the opencv2.4.6 and attempt to run the WinRT sample, it's a Metro App and I build it and run it successfully. But when I try to click the button on the APP to add some effect effects like GrayScale、Canny...etc. the program was crash. Did I miss anything?

BR, Allen

WinRT sample in OpenCV2.4.6


I've downloaded the opencv2.4.6 and attempt to run the WinRT sample, it's a Metro App and I build it and run it successfully. But when I try to click the button on the APP to add some effects like GrayScale、Canny...etc. the program was crash. Did I miss anything?

My environment is a Win32 solution platforms in Windows 8.

BR, Allen