i don't know why, but i get different results if i first rotate the image and undistort it, or if i first undistort and then rotate it.
There is a very small difference at the both results...
(In the middle of the image it seems to be same, but with the higher the y-values get, the higher is the difference)
My minimal code is shown below:
Mat camera_matrix, distCoeffs, camera_matrix_changed, distCoeffs_changed;
char* out_file = "C:\\Users\\Bob\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2013\\Projects\\Samples\\Kameraparameter.txt";
FileStorage fs(out_file, FileStorage::READ);
fs["K"] >> camera_matrix;
fs["K"] >> camera_matrix_new;
fs["D"] >> distCoeffs;
fs["D"] >> distCoeffs_new;
//Reading the images
Mat image1 = imread("C:\\Users\\Bob\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2013\\Projects\\Samples\\1.jpg");
Mat image2 = imread("C:\\Users\\Bob\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2013\\Projects\\Samples\\2.jpg");
Mat image1_undistorted, image2_undistorted;
Mat image1_rot, image2_rot, image1_flip, image2_flip;
//First workflow (first undistort image, then turn)
undistort(image1, image1_undistorted, camera_matrix, distCoeffs);
undistort(image2, image2_undistorted, camera_matrix, distCoeffs);
transpose(image1_undistorted, image1_rot);
flip(image1_rot, image1_undistorted, 0);
transpose(image2_undistorted, image2_rot);
flip(image2_rot, image2_undistorted, 0);
imwrite("image1_undistorted_FIRSTWORKFLOW.jpg", image1_undistorted);
imwrite("image2_undistorted_FIRSTWORKFLOW.jpg", image2_undistorted);
//Second workflow (first turn image, then undistort)
//Adjusting the camera matrix and distortion coefficients
double fx = camera_matrix.at<double>(0, 0);
double fy = camera_matrix.at<double>(1, 1);
double cx = camera_matrix.at<double>(0, 2);
double cy = camera_matrix.at<double>(1, 2);
camera_matrix.at<double>(0, 0) = fy;
camera_matrix.at<double>(1, 1) = fx;
camera_matrix_new.at<double>(0, 2) = cy;
camera_matrix_new.at<double>(1, 2) = image1.size().width - cx;
double p1 = distCoeffs.at<double>(0, 2);
double p2 = distCoeffs.at<double>(0, 3);
distCoeffs.at<double>(0, 2) = p2;
distCoeffs.at<double>(0, 3) = p1;
transpose(image1, image1_rot);
flip(image1_rot, image1_flip, 0);
transpose(image2, image2_rot);
flip(image2_rot, image2_flip, 0);
undistort(image1_flip, image1_undistorted, camera_matrix, distCoeffs, Mat());
undistort(image2_flip, image2_undistorted, camera_matrix, distCoeffs, Mat());
imwrite("image1_undistorted_SECONDWORKFLOW.jpg", image1_undistorted);
imwrite("image2_undistorted_SECONDWORKFLOW.jpg", image2_undistorted);
The results are shown below:
The first image (both workflow results)
The second image (both workflow results)
And if i calculate the differences of the images resulting from the different workflows, then i get these:
image1_undistorted_FIRSTWORKFLOW - image1_undistorted_SECONDWORKFLOW
image2_undistorted_FIRSTWORKFLOW - image2_undistorted_SECONDWORKFLOW
Can someone tell me what im doing wrong? Or why i get different results in both workflows?