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How to get most often appear number in a cv::Mat


I want to get the statistics of a cv::Mat, to get the most often appearing numbers. I think I can use histogram, but I am not sure wether there is a more easier way to do this, because to calculate histogram, we need to set number of bins and range before calculate, this is however not robust for me.

Best, waschbaer

How to get most often appear appearing number in a cv::Mat


I want to get the statistics of a cv::Mat, to get the most often appearing numbers. I think I can use histogram, but I am not sure wether there is a more easier way to do this, because to calculate histogram, we need to set number of bins and range before calculate, this is however not robust for me.

Best, waschbaer

How to get most often appearing number in a cv::Mat


I want to get the statistics of a cv::Mat, to get the most often appearing numbers. range of numbers(so not a single number, but a range). I think I can use histogram, but I am not sure wether there is a more easier way to do this, because to calculate histogram, we need to set number of bins and range before calculate, this is however not robust for me.

Best, waschbaer