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detectMultiScale Python syntax : Stumped

Dear Hive Mind,

I've been been doing test haar cascades and have found the right values to give the results I need.

The problem is with syntax of detectMultiScale in Python for OpenCV 3.1. I need to put a minimum and maximum value for size and I'm not sure which order to put them in / flags to use.

My values are :

Scale factor = 1.05 Minimum neighbours = 3 Minimum size 48x48 Maximum size 120x120

I've seen an example that looks something like this :-

detectMultiScale(img, faces, 1.1, 3, CV_HAAR_FIND_BIGGEST_OBJECT, Size(30, 30), Size(200,200)) and regarding CV_HAAR_FIND_BIGGEST_OBJECT it says you may or may not require it.

So, can you throw some light on what is the correct detectMultiScale syntax I should use.

Many thanks
