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facial recognition in java

Hi,i'm trying to do facial recognition from camera frame in java .I've thinked to use opencv .Any helpful links about some algorithms in java ? I 'll appreciate your help :) I'v searched for librairies and API for facial recognition .I found some but languages supported are c#,python,Jaja for android .

facial recognition in java

Hi,i'm trying to do facial recognition from camera frame in java .I've thinked to use opencv .Any helpful links about some algorithms in java ? I 'll appreciate your help :) I'v searched for librairies and API for facial recognition .I found some but languages supported are c#,python,Jaja c#,python,Java for android .

facial recognition in java

Hi,i'm trying to do facial recognition from camera frame in java .I've thinked to use opencv .Any helpful links about some algorithms in java ? I 'll appreciate your help :) I'v searched for librairies and API for facial recognition .I found some but supported languages supported are c#,python,Java for android ....