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Calculate odometry from camera poses

I am doing pose estimation using ArUco markermaps. I followed the following procedure:

  1. Created a markermap by printing and pasting markers in a room and recording their video and using it to create marker map (map.yml, map.log , and the point cloud file)
  2. Use the generated markermap to run aruco tracking program. The tracking program outputs camera poses in real time in the form of three tvec and three rvec values.

Now, I want to keep record about how much the camera has moved in x and y positions (2d only) using the cam poses, so that I can generate my odometry on its basis. I am not sure how to interpret or use the tvec and rvec values for this purpose. Any ideas on this ? Thanks.

Note: I am a beginner in pose estimation, so If I seem to be going wrong in my approach, please mention it.