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Pose tracking for an object with 4 spheres (markers)

Hi, I have an object with four sphere with coordinates (center of the sphere): A: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 B: 0.0, 0.0, 50.0 C: 0.0, 25.0, 100.0 D: 0.0, -25.0, 135.0

There four spheres have diameter around 1 cm and have a gray color. The capture video has YUV format. To track the pose of the object, I think I need to first detect the center of the four spheres in the video. Any suggestion about a fast sphere detection?

After detect the spheres, I am not sure treating the object as a planar object and use SolvePNP to estimate pose or treating the object as a 3D object and use POSIT to estimate pose.

Thanks a lot.