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POSE estimation in OpenCv Java using cvFindExtrinsicsCameraParams2

I am trying to perform POSE estimation using SIFT algorithm, using the already given method in OpenCv C++ -

cvFindExtrinsicCameraParams2( const CvMat* object_points, const CvMat* image_points, const CvMat* camera_matrix, const CvMat* distortion_coeffs, CvMat* rotation_vector, CvMat* translation_vector, int use_extrinsic_guess CV_DEFAULT(0) );

I am successfully able to do it in C++ program.

I want to port this same program into an Android application.While doing this, I am not able to find the analogous method for above given function on OpenCv java.

Please help me to find the analogous method for the OpenCv function mentioned above. Also,Please suggest me any other alternative to perform POSE estimation using SIFT.

Thanks in advance