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Using GpuCascadeClassifier with self trained cascade file

I have trained a couple of cascade.xml files using opencv_traincascade. The feature type I'm using is HOG and LBP (not HAAR). The MultiScaleDetection works pretty good. But I would like to speed up the function a bit. I've seen that using GpuCascadeClassifier could improve the speed of the MultiScaleDetection quite a bit. However, If I replace my CascadeClassifier with the GpuCascadeClassifier I get the following error "OpenCV: The node does not represent a user object (unknown type?)".

I've seen people suggesting to use the old xml format (-baseFormatSave flag in opencv_traincascade). However, that only works for HAAR feature types, as I am using HOG and LBP that doesn't work me.

The version (emgucv) I'm using is: emgucv-windows-universal-cuda

Should I modify something in the opencv_traincascade process? Does anyone have suggestions for me?


Using GpuCascadeClassifier with self trained cascade file

I have trained a couple of cascade.xml files using opencv_traincascade. The feature type I'm using is HOG and LBP (not HAAR). The MultiScaleDetection works pretty good. But I would like to speed up the function a bit. I've seen that using GpuCascadeClassifier could improve the speed of the MultiScaleDetection quite a bit. However, If I replace my CascadeClassifier with the GpuCascadeClassifier I get the following error "OpenCV: The node does not represent a user object (unknown type?)".

I've seen people suggesting to use the old xml format (-baseFormatSave flag in opencv_traincascade). However, that only works for HAAR feature types, as I am using HOG and LBP that doesn't work me.

The version (emgucv) I'm using is: emgucv-windows-universal-cuda

Should I modify something in the opencv_traincascade process? process? Would it perhaps work with the latest 3.0 version? Does anyone have suggestions for me?
