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confidence of predict model (face recognizer) > 1

Hi, I am working on face Recognition (C++ code) in Android app.

In first, I use first findfaces() method to detect, resize each image of my person. It works well.

Then I want to recognize my face (via createEigenFaceRecognizer), I refer to sample images previously created, the image's path and the haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml.The model is filled. I train the model. But as soon as model->predict(face_resized,prediction,predicted_confidence); is called, it returne me a confidence > 1. It is often between 1600 and 10000 depending on person. I do not understand why.

Yet, I have constructed my algorithm according to tutorial on openCV.

Can you help me ? I can give you my code.

Thanks in advance.