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Resize window for displaying image in MAC version 10.2.12

I am trying to resize the window for displaying an image in Mac. When I use two different image with different dimensions, for the bigger one I see I am not able to resize it manually. The Mac version is 10.2.12. The command I am using is: cv::namedWindow("image",CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); cv::resizeWindow("image", 400, 400); But it doesnot work. Is there any other way to resize the image in this version of Mac?

Resize window for displaying image in MAC version 10.2.12

I am trying to resize the window for displaying an image in Mac. When I use two different image with different dimensions, for the bigger one I see I am not able to resize it manually. The Mac version is 10.2.12. The command I am using is: cv::namedWindow("image",CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); cv::resizeWindow("image", 400, 400); But it doesnot work. Is there any other way to resize the image in this version of Mac?