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UMat operators

How does one use basic matrix operators with cv::UMat, similar to those available for cv::Mat. For example using ~ for bitwise_not, or comparing 2 matrices with >.

I'm aware of getMat, but I assume that using that function would remove the advantages of using UMat.

Also are there any efficiency differences between the 2 options below?

  cv::UMat srcMat;
  cv::Mat dstMat;
  cv::cvtColor(srcMat, dstMat, CV_BGR2YUV);
  uint8_t * data =;


  cv::UMat srcMat, dstMat;
  cv::cvtColor(srcMat, dstMat, CV_BGR2YUV);
  uint8_t * data = dstMat.getMat(cv::ACCESS_READ).data;