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Background subtraction to detect cars on a road

I've implemented the background subtraction method to detect moving blobs but the issue is that it doesn't detect the far objects and sometimes the moving cars are not accurately detected as a single blob (sometimes it splits into 2 or 3, sometimes it doesn't detect it). I've also implemented the code here:

Is there any sophisticated read solution to do the needful and it does the job perfectly (detecting car blob and tag it with ID)?

Background subtraction to detect cars on a road

I've implemented the background subtraction method to detect moving blobs but the issue is that it doesn't detect the far objects and sometimes the moving cars are not accurately detected as a single blob (sometimes it splits into 2 or 3, sometimes it doesn't detect it). I've also implemented the code here:

Is there any sophisticated read solution to do the needful and it does the job perfectly (detecting car blob and tag it with ID)?