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How to add library from opencv 3 to opencv 2


More precisely I want to add ArUco library support in OpenCV 2.4.13. And I have no idea how to do this.

I saw this post

Next advice was in this post: "If switching to OpenCV 3+ is that much of a problem, you can just download the source files for the ARUCO module directly. It will take a little bit of work to get them to compile, but much less than trying to re-write all the functions yourself. Just remember that it falls under the OpenCV BSD license, so be aware of how you integrate it."

But I have no idea how to do this, CMakeLists.txt file is made for building is a part of the full OpenCV library. How can I compile only one module? And how to include it in OpenCV 2.4.13

Thank you in advance!

How to add library module from opencv 3 to opencv 2


More precisely I want to add ArUco library support in OpenCV 2.4.13. And I have no idea how to do this.

I saw this post

Next advice was in this post: "If switching to OpenCV 3+ is that much of a problem, you can just download the source files for the ARUCO module directly. It will take a little bit of work to get them to compile, but much less than trying to re-write all the functions yourself. Just remember that it falls under the OpenCV BSD license, so be aware of how you integrate it."

But I have no idea how to do this, CMakeLists.txt file is made for building is a part of the full OpenCV library. How can I compile only one module? And how to include it in OpenCV 2.4.13

Thank you in advance!