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How to compare more SUFR descriptors

I am working on ear Recognition project. I have database of ears, 60 person - each 4 ears. What I have already done, is that I detectAndCompute from each image Descriptors and Keypoints. Now I need to compare each image with each and find the best result.

What I did is that, I used BFMacther which returns matches link text . The larger the vector is, the difference between the images is smaller and are more similar right? So I saved the largest vector in comparison in one image with every other image and that is the result as the largest vector?

I am thinking now about second maybe better options?

I also found out, that is BFMatcher has method to train. So I can add every train Descriptors to BFMatcher and then call train. But now when I have trained BFMatcher how can I compare and get the result of my test vector?