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openCV sample creation works but gives error message

Hi everybody,

I am currently working on training my own haar classifier. So here is my problem, As I start the creation of the .vec-File, opencv_createssamples prints following error-message:

oe@sourdell:~/programming/opencv-haar-classifier-training$ opencv_createsamples -info resPos.dat -vec /home/oe/programming/opencv-haar-classifier-training/samples/resizedSamples.vec -bg negatives.txt -w 196 -h 196 Info file name: resPos.dat Img file name: (NULL) Vec file name: /home/oe/programming/opencv-haar-classifier-training/samples/resizedSamples.vec BG file name: negatives.txt Num: 1000 BG color: 0 BG threshold: 80 Invert: FALSE Max intensity deviation: 40 Max x angle: 1.1 Max y angle: 1.1 Max z angle: 0.5 Show samples: FALSE Width: 196 Height: 196 Create training samples from images collection... OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (ssize.area() > 0) in resize, file /build/opencv-SviWsf/opencv-, line 1834 terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception' what(): /build/opencv-SviWsf/opencv- error: (-215) ssize.area() > 0 in function resize Aborted (memory output written)

But when I look in to my samplefolder, I see a .vec-File of about 36MB.

My question is, is the .vec-File corrupted? Because when I want to start the opencv_haartraining process I get a killed message after appr. 5 - 10 minutes. Or could it be the amount of RAM on my laptop(4GB, i5 3rd Gen.; Ubuntu 16.04), when I run it on my win10-desktop(32GB, i7-4790k) it just aborts without an error-message.

Thanks in advance

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No.2 Revision

updated 2016-12-17 01:45:28 -0600

berak gravatar image

openCV sample creation works but gives error message

Hi everybody,

I am currently working on training my own haar classifier. So here is my problem, As I start the creation of the .vec-File, opencv_createssamples prints following error-message:

 oe@sourdell:~/programming/opencv-haar-classifier-training$ opencv_createsamples -info resPos.dat -vec /home/oe/programming/opencv-haar-classifier-training/samples/resizedSamples.vec -bg negatives.txt -w 196 -h 196
 Info file name: resPos.dat
 Img file name: (NULL)
 Vec file name: /home/oe/programming/opencv-haar-classifier-training/samples/resizedSamples.vec
 BG file name: negatives.txt
 Num: 1000
 BG color: 0
 BG threshold: 80
 Invert: FALSE
 Max intensity deviation: 40
 Max x angle: 1.1
 Max y angle: 1.1
 Max z angle: 0.5
 Show samples: FALSE
 Width: 196
 Height: 196
 Create training samples from images collection...
 OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (ssize.area() > 0) in resize, file /build/opencv-SviWsf/opencv-, line 1834
 terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception'
 what(): /build/opencv-SviWsf/opencv- error: (-215) ssize.area() > 0 in function resize
 Aborted (memory output written)


But when I look in to my samplefolder, I see a .vec-File of about 36MB.

My question is, is the .vec-File corrupted? Because when I want to start the opencv_haartraining process I get a killed message after appr. 5 - 10 minutes. Or could it be the amount of RAM on my laptop(4GB, i5 3rd Gen.; Ubuntu 16.04), when I run it on my win10-desktop(32GB, i7-4790k) it just aborts without an error-message.

Thanks in advance