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!! traincascade: So many people run in this issue: Train dataset for temp stage can not be filled

I spent so many hours on this problem. Searching the openCV forum for solutions and also searching in stackoverflow and google. I tried all advices to fix this issue: "Train dataset for temp stage can not be filled.."

Some posts said that we have to use full paths in the negative.txt file rather than relative paths. Others said: That one has to take care that no \r or \n are supposed to be present in the negative.txt file (if you are working on windows). Or: Chaning parameters such as: -minHitRate and -maxFalseAlarmRate will help. Or: Increase amount of posiitives (or negatives)...I tried with 100, 200,...1000, 2000....... etc.....

I tried everything ! why does this program not provide a more informative error msg and why is there no general help for all many many users that run in this issue and wasting so many hours ?