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RejectLevels and LevelWeights of detectMultiscale

Hello everybody,

can somebody explain the the meaning behind the two values "RejectLevels" and "LevelWeights"?

My research made me come to the conclusion that "RejectLevels" should return the stage in which the object was sorted out and "LevelWeights" should return an value comparable to a confidence.

My experience is:

If a object is found LevelWeights returns the amount of stages i trained the classifier with (this is logical, because the object has passed all stages) but if no object is found LevelWeights remains empty. So i cant get any information out of this value??

The value RejectLevels returns for every found object a value like 2.3345455. But i cant see any meaning or structure behind it, it seems random for me.

Can somebody explain this to me?

Thank you very much,

Kind regards,
